Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Facebook public

Can we believe these are real?

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Objective Reporting, NYT-style

I had to do a double-take at the cover story in Sunday’s New York Times Magazine and its matter-of-fact subhead referring to Joe Biden as a “sage on foreign policy.” So sage that he was one of the key Senate supporters/enablers of one of the most forseeably unwise foreign policy adventures in recent history: Iraq. In fairness to Biden, he was no less “sage” about Iraq in 2002-2003 than the New York Times front page.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Journalists who want to do startups

Hat tip to Meg for her helpful post on journalism entrepreneurs. Meg links to a blogpost by a London-based multimedia journalist offering a checklist for journalists who want to start their own outlet or website.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Fox News Declares War...

...on left or liberal websites using video clips of its channel. But not conservative sites using Fox News clips.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Digital Divides in the U.S.

My middle-class daughters grew up with computers in the home and fast Internet. In inner cities and poor rural areas, such tools for learning and commerce are often out of reach.

Here are videos of rural Southerners asking the government to step in and help folks get broadband.

Net Neutrality

With Net Neutrality threatening to become federal law despite AT&T's frantic opposition and lobbying, it's worth remembering the ex-senator who was one of the main obstacles for years: Ted Stevens (R-Alaska). Here was his attempt to explain his opposition to Net Neutrality in 2006...and his explanation put to music.

Comcast, one of the big cable/Internet companies, gets caught pushing public out of a public hearing on Net Neutrality and Internet freedom.

Upstate New York Congressmember Eric Massa resists Time-Warner on two-tiered experiment.

Rightwing libertarians claim Net Neutrality is just one more unneeded law in search of a problem. The media reform group, Free Press, offers this over-the-top video on corporations engaging in web censorhsip and other abuses.

Finally, a leader of the Christian Coalition testifies before Congress (March, 2008)in favor of Net Neutrality.